Participate in Policy Revision

Thu, 05/10/2018 - 10:21am

Below is a list of the 2018-2019 HCPSS policies that are up for review. If you are interested in any of them, please email Cindy Drummond at 

  • Policy 2020 Policy Development and Adoption - This policy provides a uniform format for Board policies and establishes processes by which policies are developed, implemented, monitored, evaluated, reviewed, and updated.
  • Policy 3010 Emergency Preparedness and Response - The purpose of this policy is to define the process and establish criteria by which the school system responds to situations that threaten the safety or health of students and staff or are disruptive to the operation of a school, multiple schools, or the school system.
  • Policy 4000 Grants - The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for seeking and for administering grants.
  • Policy 7040 Alcohol and Noncontrolled Substances Abuse by Employees - The purpose of this policy is to establish standards and procedures for employees and service providers regarding the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and/or the abuse of noncontrolled substances.  
  • Policy 7050 Drug Use by Employees: Illegal Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, and Controlled Substances - The purpose of this policy is to establish standards and procedures for employees and service providers regarding the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs and the abuse or distribution of controlled substances. 
  • Policy 7060 Royalties - The purpose of this policy is to establish provisions which encourage employees to use their professional expertise for developing materials, processes, or inventions, and to provide for the equitable allocation of royalties and other ownership rights.
  • Policy 9210 Student Dress Code - The purpose of this policy is to outline acceptable standards for student dress during the school day and during other school-related activities and to outline disciplinary actions taken in response to violations of these standards.
  • Policy 9270 Student Assault and/or Battery on Staff - The purpose of this policy is to help ensure a safe and secure environment for all staff members by outlining the process that administrators must use if a student engages in assault and/or battery directed towards a staff member or service provider.
  • Policy 9280 Students Charged with Community or Reportable Offenses - The purpose of this policy is to establish and communicate to employees, students, and parents the procedures and guidelines for responding when students are charged with reportable offenses or offenses related to membership in a criminal gang and/or have committed community offenses.
  • Policy 10000 Parent, Family, and Community Involvement - The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the school system that endorse and encourage meaningful partnerships between and among schools, parents, families, and the community to support the social, emotional and academic growth of students. 
  • Policy 10020 Use of School Facilities - The purpose of this policy is to provide a uniform procedure to establish processes that provide for the use of public school facilities in Howard County.