SMOB Convention Delegates Needed!
Wed, 10/30/2019 - 6:36pmConsider applying to be a delegate to the Student Member of the Board convention! HCASC is looking for a representative from each grade.
Students held the first Student Member Convention on February 21, 2018. The event gathered over 130 delegates from every middle and high school in Howard County to narrow down a pool of applicants to 2 final candidates for the Student Member of the Board. Throughout the day, delegates interacted with the applicants and with each other. As the final culmination of the day’s events, delegates cast their votes for the final 2 Student Member of the Board candidates.
Perhaps most impressively, the Convention was led entirely by students. Delegates were encouraged to think about themselves as student leaders and representatives of their school communities. These ideals were put into practice by the diverse committee of Howard County Association of Student Councils (HCASC) students who facilitated the Convention.
Students selected to serve as delegates will receive additional training for serving as a delegate to the Student Member of the Board of Education Convention by attending monthly HCASC meetings, completing online webinars, and attending a training session on February 12, 2020 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Homewood Center.
A successful delegate will:
- Serve as a representative leader of his/her classmates.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Student Member of the Board of Education.
- Respect the ideas of others.
- Work well with other students.
- Read and evaluate the writing and presentations of other students.
- Give and receive constructive feedback.
- Make up work or activities missed while attending convention.
- Demonstrate interest in the democratic process, leadership, and public service.
- Prepare to review SMOB applications before the convention.
- Promote the position of SMOB.
- Participate in delegate training sessions at HCASC meetings or online.
- Demonstrate cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Check with the front office for applications. Completed applications, including teacher recommendations, are due by November 22nd.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is eligible to apply?
All middle and high school students are eligible to apply to become SMOB convention delegates.
How many delegates are sent to the SMOB convention?
Each middle school will select one delegate per grade for a total of 3. Each high school will select one delegate per grade for grades 9-11. Additionally, each high school can select three student delegates at large who may represent grades nine, ten, and/or eleven for a total of 6.
Who selects the delegates?
The Delegate Selection Committee comprised of the school principal, the student council advisor or a counselor, and three students who are representative of the student body and demographics of each school will select the delegates.
How do I apply to be a delegate?
Students who wish to apply to serve as a delegate must submit a Student Delegate Application to their school principal by November 22, 2019. They must also complete an interview with their school principal and delegate selection committee.
When will delegates be chosen?
Schools will select and notify student delegates by December 20, 2019.
What are my responsibilities if I am chosen as a delegate?
You will need to attend a training session on February 12, 2020 from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. at the Homewood Center. You must also attend the SMOB Convention on February 18, 2020.
Who can I contact for more information about becoming a SMOB Convention delegate?
Questions about becoming a delegate can be directed to your school principal or Cindy Drummond.
Interested in becoming a delegate? Check out this flyer.
Watch this video from last year's SMOB Convention to better understand what the convention is and why you should consider taking part in it!