April GA 2021 Recap
Wed, 04/21/2021 - 8:14pmFor those of you who joined us on Wednesday, we want to thank you all for an outstanding meeting, and we hope that you all were able to take away a lot from our fantastic presenters!
If you missed the meeting, please see the Meeting Agenda link below:
We have also attached the Google slides of our meeting below for your reference, as well!
Also, some amazing news: HCASC’s “Condemning Anti-Asian Hate” Resolution passed unanimously! Amendments 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 to our Constitution have also passed! You can find more information about the resolution and amendments in the Google Slides!
Link to the slides : https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Z8k-UNtev-eghz2oCGwpNlx-hC2zZjq/view?usp=sharing
We also have some SUPER EXCITING leadership opportunities for you all!
Leadership Opportunity #1:
The Howard County Association of Student Councils is looking for two students to participate as voting members on a school system committee reviewing Policy 3030 - Research Involving Employees and Students, alongside teachers, administrators, Central Office staff, and other community members. Serving on a Policy Review Committee is one of the best ways for students to make a tangible impact on HCPSS issues and have your voice heard by the Board of Education. Apply by April 24th at 6pm : https://forms.gle/e4Gxjmi3kCwv41Sg8
Leadership Opportunity #2:
Applications are open for a position as a member on the Howard County Student Committee for Equity! The committee’s goal is to close the achievement gaps between white and minority students in addition to eliminating any discrimination students face in Howard County. The committee will be debuting a very special project this Spring and need other driven and passionate students to help them achieve this goal. In order to be considered, please turn in this form. (You must be a current high-schooler.)
You can find the application link below: (Use your HCPSS account)
Also, please consider filling out the HoCo SCE’s Questionnaire. Currently, the committee is working to create a county-wide staff training module regarding racial equity in the Howard County Public School System. All personal information and submissions to this form will remain absolutely anonymous but they will use the information they gather to determine how teachers can better serve minority students in HCPSS.
You can find the questionnaire link below: (Use your HCPSS account)
Appointed Staff Applications:
Appointed Staff applications are currently closed for this school year. We are so thrilled at how big the HCASC family has grown this year! If you would like to be considered for an appointed staff position for the next school year, you can apply at the link below! Next year’s HCASC Officer Team will be reviewing applications.
May Officer Team Elections:
Are you interested in applying to be an HCASC elected officer for the upcoming school year? Apply the link below. The Google Form will have more information about the application, officer responsibilities, process, elections, and more!
Apply at the link: https://forms.gle/8idhTUuKK7noFgy97
Applications are due May 4th, 2021 at 11:59 pm. The election will be held at HCASC's general assembly on Wednesday, May 12th, 2021.